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2023 Tesla Model 3 Performance – Does It Achieve Rated Range?

There’s no shortage of debate, complaints, and even lawsuits about Tesla cars’ range. Many factors affect an EV’s range, even more-so that an ICE car. YMMV has never been a truer statement. Even how much power is used for climate control is debated (US News vs. Tesla claim).

I did a brief trial trip with my 2023 Tesla Model 3 Performance, with conditions noted below:

  • Miles on car: ~1k
  • Highway: 70mph 2/3 of trip
  • Town: 40mph 1/3 of trip
  • Temp outside: 101 (ouch!)
  • AC set: 73, no passengers
  • No preconditioning of inside temp
  • Distance traveled: 15mi
  • Non aggressive driving
  • Regenerative braking
  • Reflective roof liner, no side tint
Tesla Model 3 energy consumption

Calculations (82kWh battery pack, 315mi rated range)

14.8% (0.8/5.4) was consumed on AC

Including power consumed by AC: 4.428kW used in 15mi = 277mi

Excluding power consumed by AC: 3.772kW used in 15mi = 326mi


AC has a big impact on range. As owners know, the front climate control is dual zone and in my case with no passenger, only the driver zone was actively cooling. With a passenger, the impact of AC would have been more.

While driving in such heat, external/battery fans are engaged. It’s not clear how much energy that uses, or where it’s accounted for in the usage breakdown.

Highway speeds (like 70+mph) increase rate of energy consumption, though the M3P is quite aerodynamic. My last ICE car (Mazda 6) began to noticeably suffer on fuel economy around 80mph.

Want to test drive a Tesla? Use my referral link.

1 Comment

  1. Jinan

    Yes!! We had to keep the car out for long and even the interior temp control system took more than 40% of range. They do sell roof covers for Tesla, though, I hate to loose glass look.

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